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Pain in the ear is very common and can affect all ages.

Following are the most common causes of earache:

- Using cotton buds or other sharp items inside the ear to clean or itch it

- Fungal or bacterial infection of the outer ear canal

- Infection of a hair follicle (furuncle)

- Infection of middle ear

- Ear wax impacted

- Referred pain to the ear: here the ear is normal on examination. However, the cause of the pain is inflammation or infection of surrounding area such as- sinus infection, throat infection, tonsil infection, dental caries, wisdom tooth impaction or neurogenic pain.

· Treatment-

- Most causes ear pain can be treated successfully but the key to effective treatment lies in first making the correct diagnosis. One should schedule a visit to ENT physician without delay if suffering from ear pain.

- ENT physician will give a thorough check-up to find the cause and will prescribe treatment accordingly

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